Payment of the entry fee
The Organizing Authority accepts entry fee payments online by Bank Transfer for Japanese Competitors .
The Organizing Authority accepts entry fee payments online by PayPal for Non-Japanese Competitors.
PayPal for Non-Japanese Competitors.
Non-Japanese Coach or Support Boats & Additional Coach or Support Person
NoR 4.2.3
Entry fees include participation fees for the harbor usage fee (470 Bath fee and competitor's shower fee and coach or supporter shower fee) from August 18th to August 27th.
470 Bath fee 1,470JPY/ day Shower fee 1 person 220 yen / day
The Harbor usage fee of the Coach or Support Boats is not included in the entry fees.
PayPal :
Payments received by PayPal will be charged an additional 300JPY-2300JPY to cover the PayPal administration fees. Payment by Paypal should be done from the following.
Bank Transfer for Japanese Competitors .
Bank Transfer:
All bank charges must be paid by the competitor.
店番537 五反田支店
口座番号 0536550
エノシマセーリング カトウマサコ
※1 艇分振込
A と Sail No. と スキッパー氏名 を記入すること。
※1 艇分振込+サポートボート
A と サポート人数 と S と Sail No. と スキッパー氏名 を記入すること。
例:A1S4700ヨンナナタロウ (サポート艇1艇の場合)
※ 複数艇分一括振込
A と 艇数 と 団体名 を記入すること。
例:A3〇〇〇ダイガク(3 艇参加の場合)
※ 複数艇分一括振込+サポートボート
A と サポート人数 と S と 艇数 と 団体名 を記入すること。
例:A2S 3〇〇〇ダイガク(サポート艇2艇と3艇参加の場合)