チャイルドルームのご案内 Information on a Children Nursing Room

場 所:神奈川県藤沢市 江の島ヨットハーバー 2F メモリアルルーム 実 施 日 :平成29年8月17日(木)~8月23日(水)
平成29年8月26日(土)~9月 2日(土)
利用期間:09:00~16:00 対象年齢:0歳~6歳程度
Place: At the venue of Enoshima Yacht Harbor, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Dates: From Aug. 17(Thu) till Aug. 23(Wed), 2017
From Aug. 26(Sat) till Sep. 2 (Sat), 2017
Time of use: From 9 A.M. till 4 P.M.
Eligible persons: Children under approximately 6 years old whose parents are participating athletes or stakeholders or spectators of the regatta.
The parents can breastfeed or give milk, baby foods to their children and change diapers and clothes at the CHILD ROOM.
Nursing services will be provided by several staffs, including a licensed nurse during the resting of babies and infants.